My journey into the world of playing the handpan started from an unwavering desire to step into the realm of being a performing artist. 

The handpan, a mesmerizing instrument, serves as a reflective surface for the very essence of 'Anitya,' the concept of impermanence, as it intricately weaves an enchanting tapestry of emotions within the hearts of its listeners. It has long been my dream to stand before an audience, becoming a channel for evoking a myriad of human sentiments through the enchanting melodies produced by this unique instrument.

This path I tread transcends mere musical exploration; it is a pilgrimage aimed at breaching boundaries and connecting with the core of our shared existence. Music, much like 'Anitya,' is a reminder that life itself is a fleeting, ever-changing melody. Through the handpan’s sonorous vibrations, I aspire to harmonize with the hearts and souls of all who lend an ear. 

In the ethereal melodies and harmonious rhythms, we find a mirror to the impermanence of life itself. The fleeting notes, woven together in a transient symphony, resonate with the impermanence of all things. Each musical phrase rises and falls, echoing the rise and fall of phenomena in our world. Music, in its impermanence, beckons us to embrace the present moment, for just as a melody vanishes into the silence from which it emerged, so too does every facet of existence transform, cease, and give way to the next. In the harmonious cadence of music, we find a reflection of the universal truth that all things, like the notes in a grand composition, are subject to the eternal rhythm of change.

Together, let us delve into the transformative potential of music, embracing its impermanence, all the while acknowledging that each note seamlessly leads to the next, creating a grand and ever-evolving melody. As life continues its journey of transformation, everything around us shifts, yet the only constant remains—change itself. Through music and 'Anitya,' let us find meaning and solace in the beautiful impermanence of existence.

Bhushan Trivedi

S H A K T I 

SHAKTI is my passion project, a tribute to all the incredible women who've shaped our world and continue to do so. 

SHAKTI stands for 'Supporting Her Ambitions and Key Transformative Initiatives'. 

It's where my love for music meets my commitment to social change. The money I earn from my street performances fuels SHAKTI, helping entrepreneurial women in developing countries access the capital & support they need to start & expand their businesses and realize their dreams. 

I M P A C T 

Every coin that clinks into my case as I perform on the streets fills me with profound joy as I know that this small gesture is part of a bigger change, positively impacting lives far beyond.

Take Moritah from Uganda, the first entrepreneur SHAKTI supported with 100 USD. A mother of two and a self-made entrepreneur in Uganda, where over half the population lacks safe drinking water, leading to deadly diseases. Diarrhoea, one of the three major childhood killers in Uganda, claims the lives of 33 children every day.

Moritah's mission is crucial. She's not just an entrepreneur; she's a life-changer, making safe water accessible and affordable in her community. Starting small, Moritah has now expanded her reach, selling hundreds of bottles daily in Kamwokya's low-income suburbs. Her vision is growing in the Seeta region, aiming to quench the community's thirst with safe water and create job opportunities for local youth in the process.

SHAKTI is honored to support Moritah's noble quest, ensuring safe and affordable drinking water is available to every person in Seeta and beyond.

Like Moritah, SHAKTI continues to support many such women around the world. From working with Amelia in Tonga to help her scale her cassava and yam growing agro-business, to Yenifer, a single mother from Colombia, in scaling up her restaurant. From assisting Virisine in Fiji to buy a special sewing machine to expand her sewing business, to supporting Ohood, a single mother in Jordan who is starting her life again and aims to set up a successful small restaurant.

SHAKTI has so far supported a total of 50 women from 44 countries with a range of initiatives and will continue to do so.

Click here to see SHAKTI's Impact Globally

C O N T A C T   A N I T Y A

Thank you so much for taking the time to immerse yourself in my story. If anything you've read here strikes a chord with you, or if you're curious to know more about the enchanting world of handpan, or perhaps you're wondering how you can join hands with SHAKTI, I'm all ears.

Even if it's just for a friendly chat to get acquainted, I'd love to hear from you. Don't hesitate to reach out – I'm just a message away. Looking forward to our conversation! :)

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